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school3fryaz edumsko ru

  1. (Решено) Упр.2 Юнит 1 Урок 2 ГДЗ English Кузовлев 7 класс...

    Susan says that she is looking forward to seeing their form teacher Mrs Langfridge. She is happy that she will teach them this year. David says that he doesn't like going back to school and he is sad that the holidays are over. Bryan says that there are a lot of clubs at theirs school.

  2. (Решено) Упр.2 Unit 2 Закрепление материала в Рабочей тетради...

    We practice every week. In the weeks before the show we work harder. This means that school work has to wait but the teachers usually understand. We do everything professionally. I want to be a professional actrice!

  3. (Решено) Упр.3 Unit 1 Тест в Рабочей тетради ГДЗ English...

    Some children say that school is (0) boring and (1) a waste of time. But I don’t agree with them. I like school and on holiday I (2) miss my friends and teachers and I always (3) look forward to school. Our school life is interesting. We have a lot of interesting after-school (4) events during the year.

  4. (Решено) Упр.5 Юнит 2 Урок 4 ГДЗ English Кузовлев 7 класс...

    I try to organize my day because I want to have A's in all subjects. Besides school, I also do dancing. Sometimes I get very tired and want to quit everything, but I have the motivation to study well and be in good shape. On weekends, I can take a break from a heavy schedule and see friends or lie in bed.

  5. Международный конкурс "Инфознайка 2023" Объявления


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